Celebrating Second Chances: The Success Story of CARMAGrad Eel Point

Celebrating Second Chances: The Success Story of CARMAGrad Eel Point

CARMA (California Retirement Management Account) is dedicated to providing retired racehorses with a second chance through rehabilitation, retraining, and rehoming. Their support helps horses transition into fulfilling new careers, enriching the lives of those they touch.

One such success story is Eel Point (“Eli”), a retired racehorse who found a new home and purpose at Square Peg’s farm in Sonoma.

Eli arrived at Square Peg’s farm on a warm November night. Welcomed by team member Becca, he was guided into his new home and greeted by the curious and friendly nickers of his new equine neighbors. Eli’s easy-going personality was apparent as he made friends with his 29-year-old neighbor, Danny, and he quickly became a beloved member of the Square Peg community.

While uncertain about his prospects long term as a saddle program horse, long-time student C, was one of the first Square Peg students to ride atop big Eli. After having a particularly tough week at school, C, whose motivation to attend school is directly correlated to his barn days at Square Peg, was asked to be a “guinea pig” student with Eli. Staff had already done a half dozen walking rides on Eli, and C was able to experience what one of those first few rides on a new horse is like. C rode Eli with calm confidence, looking to his instructor for guidance as the stakes for “messing up” were a lot taller than he was used to!

The beauty of Square Peg’s program lies in its reciprocal nature. Students who might feel marginalized are given the opportunity to help train new off-the-track thoroughbreds like Eli. This process empowers them, teaching them valuable skills and building their confidence as they contribute meaningfully to the community.

Another student, fourth grader K, is learning letter and word association at her own pace. Due to a processing disorder, she finds it hard to answer questions in class with her peers and often arrives at the barn shy and quiet. After explaining her task with the new horse, Eli, K counted on her hands how many Square Peg horses she had ridden and accepted the challenge. Becca and K turned it into a game! As they moved around the arena, they passed dressage letters and shouted out words starting with each letter: “Friends!” “Farts!” “Amazing!” “Apple!” “Kind!” “King!” “Elephant!” “Evil!” etc. With sweet-natured Eli carrying K, she built confidence in her intelligence and self-worth.

Thanks to programs like CARMA, retired racehorses like Eli are given a second chance to shine beyond their racing careers. For California racehorse owners, knowing their horses can find fulfilling new careers brings peace of mind and a sense of pride.

CARMA is proud to count Eli as one of the Placement Program’s success stories. To learn more about how owners can create a retirement plan for their horses or for more information on Thoroughbred Aftercare, please visit carma4horses.org.  

To learn more about Square Peg’s work with unique horses and special students, please visit squarepegfoundation.org.